Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Dialog Jalan Cerita Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Call of duty 4:Modern Warfare


Pada tahun 2011 , perang sipil pecah di Rusia antara pemerintah dan kelompok ultranasionalis yang berusaha untuk memulihkan Rusia untuk glamour era - Soviet . Sementara itu , kelompok yang dipimpin separatis oleh Khaled Al - Asad merebut kekuasaan di " daerah kecil tapi kaya minyak " Negara di Timur Tengah melalui kudeta . Al - Asad itu bengis dan memiliki pandangan ekstrim anti -Barat , yang mendorong Amerika Serikat untuk menyerang negaranya . Di sore hari kedua invasi , satu peleton USMC 1st Angkatan Recon dikirim untuk menangkap Al - Asad . Peleton menyerang sebuah stasiun TV di mana Al - Asad dianggap siaran live dan kemudian terlibat dalam pertempuran perkotaan di kota selatan disebutlah namanya ibukota . Sementara itu , Inggris Special Air Service ( SAS ) melakukan dua operasi penting , satu di sebuah kapal di Selat Bering dan satu di Rusia . Intelijen dikumpulkan dari dua misi menunjukkan bahwa Al - Asad mungkin dalam kepemilikan perangkat nuklir Rusia . 
Di malam hari ketiga , AS meluncurkan serangan besar-besaran pada istana presidenan Al - Asad selepas dari peringatan SAS tentang perangkat nuklir. bersamaan US Navy SEAL juga menyerbu istana , Marinir menyerbu pasukan darat Al - Asad . Serangan itu berakhir sebagai bencana ketika perangkat nuklir tiba-tiba meledakan , memusnahkan sebagian besar kota bersama dengan semua orang di dalamnya . 
Menolak anggapan Al - Asad telah mati, tim penyerang SAS dibantu oleh loyalis Rusia menyerang rumah persembunyian potensial di sebuah desa di Azerbaijan . Dipimpin oleh Captain Price dan tim penolakan eradicates pasukan Rusia lalu menangkap Al - Asad . Tak lama menginterogasi , telepon Al - Asad berdering . Setelah mendengar suara pemanggil , Kapten Price mengeksekusi Al - Asad dan mengungkapkan bahwa penelepon adalah pemimpin ultranasionalis : Imran Zakhaev . 
Captain Price menceritakan kisah misinya di Pripyat , Ukraina pada tahun 1996 . Sebagai buntut dari Chernobyl bencana dan runtuhnya Uni Soviet , Zakhaev mengambil keuntungan dari kekacauan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari proliferasi nuklir dan menggunakan kekayaan barunya untuk memikat prajurit dari Tentara Soviet untuk membentuk partai ultranasionalis nya . Price dikirim pada operasi hitam untuk membunuh Zakhaev . Dari sudut pandangnya di lantai atas sebuah hotel yang kosong atau telah ditinggalkan penduduk , Price menembak Zakhaev dengan Barrett M82 senapan sniper , tapi tembakannya hanya memutuskan lengan Zakhaev . Price nyaris tidak lolos dari pengejaran pasukan Zakhaev . 
SAS , Marinir dan Loyalis mencoba untuk menangkap anak Zakhaev yaitu Victor Zakhaev , untuk mengetahui keberadaan Zakhaev , tetapi karena mereka mengepungnya di atap sebuah gedung apartemen , Victor bunuh diri dengan menembak kepalanya . Tidak terima , Zakhaev Marah dan membalas dengan meluncurkan rudal nuklir balistik antarbenua ke pesisir Timur AS, yang bisa membunuh 41 juta orang . SAS dan Marinir , dengan bagaimanapun caranya berhasil merebut ruang komando fasilitas peluncuran dan meredakan remot dan mengarahkan rudal ke atas Samudera Atlantik . Mereka melarikan diri dari ruang bawah tanah komando peluncuran nuklir dengan truk-truk militer, dalam pengejaran pasukan Zakhaev . 
Sebuah Mi - 24 helikopter Hind ultranasionalis menghancurkan jembatan dan menahan pasukan gabungan. kemudian mereka bertempur dengan ultranasionalis, semua pasukan gabungan mati dan terluka parah . Zakhaev sendiri tiba dan membunuh tentara yang terluka, helikopter pasukan loyalis tiba-tiba menghancurkan Mi - 24 Hind dan bergabung dalam pertempuran . Zakhaev ditembak mati . Pasukan Loyalis mulai menyelamatkan pasukan yg terluka .

U.S Marines
Lt.Vasquez: Everyone have to get across to get war pig!

Sgt.Griggs: you heard the man everyone! move! move!
Pvt.Reed:We got a man down over here!
Lt.Vasquez:Hurry! Get in that house!
Pvt.Scott:Machine gunner! In that building at 12:00!
Lt.Vasquez:Jackson! Shoot that Machine gunner Down!
Pvt.Scott:Great Shot Jackson!
Bad guy:*Melees*
Lt.Vasquez:Jackson Help Reed!
Sgt.Jackson:*Shoots* Tango Down!
Pvt.Miller:Be careful where you shoot theres Marines in that building!
Sgt.Jackson:Throws grenade back
Bad guys:Grabs grenade *Blows Up*
Lt.Vasquez:Jackson get on that machine gun and shoot the rest of them!
Sgt.Jackson:*Shoots* Clear!
Lt.Vasquez:Move on!
Sgt.Griggs: Tango’s Behind those cars
Bad guy:*Shoots*
Lt.Vasquez:Jackson!Get a C4 on that car NOW!
Sgt.Griggs:Follow me Jackson!
Sgt.Jackson:Throws C4 On car.
Sgt.Griggs:Now Lets watch some fireworks!
Sgt.Jackson:Blows up car!
Lt.Vasquez:Move up!
Pvt.Scott:you hear that?
Lt.Vasquez:Tanks! Reed Fire!
Pvt.Reed: Pulls out javalin *AH!*
Lt.Vasquez:REED!Jackson Grab that javalin and shoot those tanks!
Sgt.Jackson:Blows up tanks!
Sgt.Griggs:Great Shot Jackson! Lets go through this gate!
War Pig:Where the hell are you guys?!
Lt.Vasquez:Were almost there!
War Pig:Its about time you got here!
Lt.Vasquez:We got in a hold up!
Lt.Vasquez:Dont let the tangos Near the tank!
5  Minutes Later
Lt.Vasquez:We Need a Chopper!
Chopper 567:Uh…. No can do Theres a Air Gun In the way We can not risk Sending Any Choppers Over there.
Lt.Vasquez:Jackson,Scott,Miller!Go over there and Destroy that air gun NOW!
Jackson,Miller,and Scott:*Runs*
Sgt.Jackson:pulls out C4 puts on air gun
Pvt.Miller:Now step back unless you want to be blown up
Sgt.Jackson:Backs up Pushes button
Lt.Vasquez:Great job now go plant a tracking device so Chopper 567 can find us!
Sgt.Jackson:Runs to spot Plants
Chopper 567:We got your signal Were on our way
Sgt.Griggs:Hold Up until the chopper gets here
3 Minutes Later
Sgt.Griggs:Woot!The choppers here!
Chopper 567:*Shoots* at building
Chopper 567:Heh See anyone left down there 342?
Chopper 342:Nope Ok over and out !
Lt.Vasquez:Regroup at The tank!
Lt.Vasquez:Great job everyone
Sgt.Griggs:Think theres anyone left here?
Lt.Vasquez:*Laughing*Haha Nope!
Cpt.Price:Ok men today were gonna save Nikolai
Gaz: Nikolai Sir?
Cpt.Price: Nikolai He informed us with the info about Al Asad
Cpt.Price:Just keep Quiet
Gaz:Soap you got that sniper ready?
Gaz:2 tangos watching tv Take em out soap
Soap:Got it
Soap:Throws Flash Bang in Room
Bad guy #1:AHH!
Bad guy #2:Man down! *Looks around*
Soap:grabs knife*Throws knife at*
Bad guy #2:Ahh!
Cpt.Price:Great job soap Move up!
Cpt.Price:Smell that?
Russian Leader:Ah welcome to Russia Cpt.Price
Cpt.Price:We helped you now you help me find my informent
Russian Leader:Hmm… Fine
Gaz:Whats going on up there?
Russian Leader:There killing there towns People
Cpt.Price:Not for long there not
Russian Leader:First Snipe those  Tangos down there first to get my men across
Cpt.Price:Soap!Snipe those Tangos from this hill
5 Minutes later
Russian Leader:Great job now follow me up to the Power line
Cpt.Price:You didn’t say there would be choppers !
Russian Leader:I didn’t say there would be anything!
Cpt.Price:shoot down those choppers soap
Soap:Shoots choppers down
Russian Leader:Good now just follow me up to this hill to snipe more
Gaz:Grabs Russian leader We’re Done helping you WE JUST WANT OUR INFORMENT WHERE IS HE!?
Russian Leader:Hes on the House to the right of that hill!
Gaz:Good now you sit there
Cpt.Price:Lets go!
Cpt.Price:Gaz go in the back of the house and turn off the light in the house
Gaz:Got it!
Gaz:Turns off lights
Soap And Price:Turns on Night Vision
Bad guy #3:takes out pistol Shoots randomly
Soap:takes out pistol *Shoots*
Bad guy #3:AH!
Bad guy #4:Grabs Knife feels around
Soap:Shoots with pistol in head
Bad guy #4:Ugh!
Bad guy#5:Slaps Nikolai with pistol
Soap:Grabs Knife Throws  at!
Bad guy#5:Ah!
Cpt.Price:Seen gaz?
Nikolai:Thanks for saving me!
Cpt.Price:Not a problem now lets go
Bad guy#5:Takes out pistol
Gaz:Grabs pistol shoots in head
Cpt.Price:Theres Gaz Lets go theres  a chopper waiting for us
Chopper 898:Hurry up you guys!
Price ,gaz,soap,and Nikolai :Get in chopper
Nikolai:Did the Americans Invade Al Asad Yet?
Cpt.Price:No why?
Nikolai:*Laugh* They’ll never make it out alive
Lt.Vasquez:Ok marines we’ve got a lockdown on Al Asad
Chopper 432:Ok marines im dropping you off at this place now move!
Lt.Vasquez:Jackson Stay in the chopper and provide us covering fire with that machine gun
Sgt.Jackson:Yes sir!
5 minutes later
Lt.Vasquez:Back in the chopper lets go!Now were gonna rescue team Alpha from A group of tangos Lets go!
2 minutes later…
Lt.Vasquez:Chopper 432 we’ve rescued Alpha team now lets go!
Chopper 432:No can do Bravo team They’ve Detected a bomb in the town we’re got to go!
Chopper 896:Im going down I NEED HEEELLLLP!
Lt.Vasquez:No one gets left behind Go get her jackson
Sgt.Jackson:Runs Shoots with pistol grabs Pilot
Lt.Vasquez:RUN! get in now!
Sgt.Jackson:Runs with pilot
Bad guy #7:*Shoots*
Sgt.Jackson:Shoots with pistol in leg
Bad guy #7:Argh!
Sgt.Griggs:Grabs machine gun Ill cover ya jackson!
Sgt.Jackson:Runs set’s pilot on seat
Lt.Vasquez:Lets go!
Pilot #2:*Trys to grab bar* flys out of chopper
News Channel:There has been a nuclear bomb Where the marines were here is a list of  marines
Sgt.Paul Jackson
An hour later…
Sgt.Jackson:Ugh what happen? *Looks around* sees dead body’s crouches to outside Sees big Smoke bomb 2 minutes later….
Sgt.Jackson:Falls out of broken chopper lays down
That is the end of the marines
Pictures of what happen
When bomb went off
What jackson saw when he was Almost dead
Pilot#2 in bomb
This is pilot #2 flying out R.I.P Pilot #2
That is Pvt.Scott In my story R.I.P Scott
Lt.Vasquez Was one of my favorite leaders he also died
Sgt.Grigg's we don't know how he still alive
Pvt.Scott Died
Pilot #2 and pilot # 1 died

Cpt.Price:Ok men Lets move!
Gaz:Hear that?
Cpt.Price:Yep Its a dog
Gaz:Dont move
Soap:Takes out pistol slowly
Dog:Runs at Tackles Starts to chew up body
Soap:Thank you
Cpt.Price:Here that?
Nikolai:Al Asad should be in that building
Cpt.Price:Takes out pistol Kicks open door shoots tangos Punches Al Asad Tackles to ground
2 Minutes later
Cpt.Price:Punches! TELL ME!
Phone rings…
Gaz:*Picks up phone hands to price*
Cpt.Price:Drops phone Takes out pistol Shoots Al Asad in face
Gaz:Who was that sir?
Cpt.Price:Imran Zakhaev.
Gaz:whos Imran Zakhaev sir?
Cpt.Price:Well back when i was a Left Lt. And my boss was Cpt.MacMillan We had to Elimate Imran Zakhaev so…
Cpt.Macmillan:Come on we dont want to be spotted
Price and Macmillan:*Run to Side of house*
Cpt.Macmillan:Take out that Guard in the Guardhouse with your sniper.
Lt.Price:*Snipes Guard*
Guard #1:Ugh!
Cpt.Macmillan:Great shot now theres about 4 guards in that house and 4 guard dogs Dont even think about killing them Lets sneak pass them
Lt.Price:Got it
Price and Macmillan:*Sneaks pass*
Cpt.Macmillan:Stop! Guard by the Car We can sneak pass him or Kill him your choice
Lt.Price:*Shoots guard in head*
Guard #2:Argh!
Cpt.Macmillan:Great Shot Now follow me
3 minutes later…
Cpt.Macmillan:i see some of them didn’t make it
Cpt.Macmillan:Ok we take out the 2 in front of us then the 2 on the right of us got it? Now whenever your ready we both shoot
Price and Macmillan:*Shoots Guards*
Guard #3&4:Ugh!
Price and Macmillan:*Shoots other Guards*
Cpt.Macmillan:Look guard on the top floor take him out
Lt.Price:*Aims Shoots*
Guard#7:Falls 10 floors down
Cpt.Macmillan:Nice shot! now follow me through this building
5 minutes later
Cpt.Macmillan:Wait!Stop Theres a wild dog dont even think about trying to kill him just sneak past
Wild Dog:*Growls*
Cpt.Macmillan:Hurry we need to get up to that building!
2 minutes later…
Cpt.Macmillan:Ok Now our target is Imran Zakhaev You shoot him when the time is right got it?
Lt.Price:Got it
Guards:Shows Box to Imran Zakhaev
Imran Zakhaev:Hmm
Cpt.Macmillan:We don’t have all day Lt.Price Sometime today would be nice!
Lt.Price:*Aims Shoots*
Imran Zakhaev:Fine ill AH!
Imran Zakhaev:*Arm Flys off*
Cpt.Macmillan WE HAVE TO GO NOW!
Building starts to blow up
Bad Chopper:*Shoots building*
Cpt.macmillan:RUN! Follow me!
Price and Macmillan:*Runs*
Cpt.Macmillan:I think we lost them
Wild dog:*Sniffs* Attacks!
Cpt.Macmillan:GET HIM OFF!
Lt.Price:*Pushes dog off kills with pistol*
Cpt.Macmillan:O man i bet they heard that RUN FOR IT!
Bad Chopper:There they are fire!
Cpt.Macmillan:Lt.Price SNIPE THAT PILOT NOW!
Lt.Price:*Aims Shoots pilot*
Chopper:*Flys out of control toward Price and Macmillan*
Cpt.Macmillan:Argh! its wing is on my foot i don’t think i can walk your gonna have to carry me to the checkpoint
Lt.Price:*Picks up macmillan Runs*
5 minutes later
Cpt.Macmillan:Ok boy put me down here so i can call in the chopper and snipe soon backup will come searching for us Here take my claymores and plant them.
Lt.Price:*Puts down takes claymores plants*
Backup:There they are FIRE!
Chopper 231:Were on our way about 5 minutes
Cpt.Macmillan:Lt.Price Ill snipe the backup you Help
3 minutes later…
Bad guy #1:*Walks up to car*
Cpt.Macmillan:Price plant a claymore on that car NOW!
Lt.Price:*Plants claymore blows up car*
Bad guy#1:Ah!
Chopper 231:Were almost there just hold on for 2 more minutes!
2 minutes later
Chopper lands
Cpt.Macmillan:Choppers here pick me up and lets go!
Lt.Price:*Takes out pistol* *Picks up macmillan* *Runs to chopper sets down on seat*
Chopper 231:Ok here we go
Cpt.Price:Now lets go
Gaz:I’d Like some ice cold beer right now
Sgt.Griggs:*Laugh* I bet you would!
Russian Leader:Now Soap you just snipe those guards in the tower so we can go
Soap:*Snipes guards*
Cpt.Price:Now lets go get there uniforms on we have a big day tommrow.
Gaz:This uniform smells wierd
Cpt.Price:i know now here comes his son we don’t kill him just capture him.
Victor Zakhaev:*Looks around*
Sgt.Griggs: Haha good thing your up here with me soap you look nothing like them.
Gaz:Im going around Victor’s Car right now
Cpt.Price:They’ve spotted us!
Victor Zakhaev:*Drives car into Tower that soap and griggs are in*
5 seconds later…
Soap:*Looks around sees victor zakhaev running away
Cpt.Price:Griggs Soap FOLLOW HIM we’ll catch up with you!
Griggs and soap:*Runs*
Soap:*Shoots bodyguards*
Sgt.Griggs:Crap!Theres a heavy machine gunner up there!
Chopper 508:Ill handle him *Shoots machine gunner*
Machine gunner:AHH!
Soap and others:*Runs*
Victor Zakhaev:*Looks down turns around*
Cpt.Price:Soap go take the pistol from him
Victor Zakhaev:*Grabs pistol Shoots self in face*
Gaz:Crap! There goes our information
Cpt.Price:Chopper 508 pick us up Hes dead.
Sgt.Griggs:Daddys little boy what an idiot.
Victor Zakhaev Commits sucide How stupid eh?
An hour later…
Cpt.price:Ok boys this should be our last mission
Sgt.Grigg’s:Can i have my ice cold beer now?
Gaz:*Laughing* Sure Grigg’s Sure
Gaz:ok lets get in this car lets go! I call to drive!
Sgt.Grigg’s:Chopper over there soap grab a Rpg and destroy it
Soap:Got it *Grabs rpg* *Aims*
Bad chopper:Shoots bridge
Cpt.Price:HANG ON!!!
1 minute later…
Cpt.Price:The bridge is gonna fall Come on soap LETS GO!
Soap:*Runs**hides behind car*
Russian Chopper:Hello captain price i heard you needed some help were on our way
Gaz: Kamorav its good to bloody hear from of you.LOOK OUT MISSLES!
1 minute later…
Soap:*looks around sees everyone lying on ground**sees imran zakhaev and 2 bodyguards*
Sgt.Grigg’s:Grabs pistol I’ve got ya soap *grabs soap fires at guards*
Soap:*Looks at grigg’s*
Sgt.Grigg’s:Hold on there let me AH!
Soap:*sees imran zakhaev and bodyguards*
Imran Zakhaev:*Takes out pistol kills gaz*
Soap:GAZ!! NOO!
Bodyguard#1:*Shoots Pvt.Leroy*
Bodyguard#2:*Shoots Pvt.Brian*
Bad chopper:Im going down!
bad guy Chopper blows up
Bodyguards and imran zakhaev turn around and look at chopper
Cpt.Price:*Takes out pistol Slides to Soap*
Soap:*Grabs pistol aims at zakhaev shoots! shoots bodyguards*
Russian chopper:we are hear captain price
Soap:*looks around sees captain price and gaz and everyone dead*
Russian leader slides down rope
Russian leader:SOAP! i got you now Chopper send down the carrier.
Russian Soldier:*Punches captain price WAKE UP!*
End of story
256px-Game_overImran zakhaev and 2 bodyguards Soaps view.270px-Picture_4
Cpt.Price sliding me the pistol
Sad at the ending Lt.Vasquez Is the one on the left at the end gaz is the on the left of cpt price cpt price is on the left of sgt grigg’s R.I.P guys
Characters of Call of Duty 4
Marines Sgt.Paul Jackson · Lt.Vasquez·Sgt. Griggs · · ·· Pvt.Reed,Pvt.Scott,Pvt.Miller
SAS Captain Price ·Lt. Gaz · Soap · · Nikolai · · MacMillan
Loyalists Kamarov
OpFor Khaled Al-Asad
Ultranationalists Imran Zakhaev · Victor Zakhaev
Lt.Gaz- Dead hit in head by Imran Zakhaev with desert eagle.

Cpt.Price-We all know he was in Call of duty 2 and Call of duty 4:Modern Warfare so we all know he was last to die but some say hes in MW2 We will have to check
Imran Zakhaev-He got shot in the arm 15 years ago by Lt.Price and then again by Soap Mactavish
Khael Al-Asad-Killed by Cpt.Price with a M1911 Pistol
Sgt.Kamorav-Still alive
Codename Nikolai-Still alive
President Yasir Al-Fulani-Killed by Al Asad with desert eagle
Victor Zachev-Sucided killed with pistol by Self How stupid 
Sgt.Griggs-he grabbed us at end and pulled us away from safety of the car But he helped us kill Zachev and 2 bodyguards Killed by One of zachev’s men in the head or like the neck.

Lt.Vasquez:Killed by Nuclear Bomb
Pvt.Miller:Killed by nuclear bomb
Sgt.Paul Jackson:Killed by radation of nuclear bomb 23 seconds later
Cpt.Macmillan-Injured in leg by chopper blade/wing
Pvt.Scott:Killed by Nuclear bomb
Pvt.Reed:Killed by Opfor soldier in the War pig mission.

spesifikasi untuk main game ini in PC :

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Microsoft Windows
Operating system Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7
CPU Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz; Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 or AMD Athlon 64 2800+; AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ Core 2 Duo E4600 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
Memory 512 MB RAM (768 MB for Vista) 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
Hard drive space 8 GB of free space
Graphics hardware NVIDIA GeForce 6600 128 MB or ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB Nvidia GeForce 7800 or ATI Radeon X1800[8]
Sound hardware 100% DirectX 9.0c compliant card Sound Blaster X-Fi (Optimized for EAX ADVANCED HD 4.0/5.0 compatible cards)
Network Internet or LAN connection required for multiplayer
Mac OS
Operating system Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.4
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
Memory 1 GB RAM 2 GB RAM
Hard drive space 8 GB of free space + 1 GB Swap File
Graphics hardware NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GS 256 MB or ATi Radeon X1800 GTO 256 MB Nvidia GeForce FX 7300 (256 MB)
Network Internet or LAN connection required for multiplayer

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